Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Returning to an older post...

Steve and I just finished watching The Nativity Story for the first time. It went straight to my heart, for many reasons. The people that make up this story are all very different and very crucial to the coming of Christ. Mary, Joseph, Zachariah, Elizabeth, John, the Three Wisemen, the lowly shepards...even King Herrod! I am in amazement that God sent his son to earth in the form of a baby! And what about the humble people chosen for the ENORMOUS task of raising Christ into a man!
That is what struck my heart the most....Out of all of the people in the nativity story, Joseph was one of my favorites! He rose above prejudice from others against his unwed, pregnant, soon to be wife. He made the choice to not only marry Mary but to raise Jesus as his own son.
Isn't that the choice so many of us have made with our adoptions? We have chosen to take a child, birthed by someone we probably will never know...and raise it as our own. The essence of adoption is, to the core, a spiritual decision. In order for God to adopt all of us as his own children, Joseph had to adopt Jesus as his son here on earth,
To adopt a child is to love a child in your heart instead of your womb. To know that you know, that the child you are adopting has been chosen for you and your family by God...just as biological children are chosen. Our adopted child is destined to fulfill a glorious purpose, as we all are! Those of us parenting any children, adopted or not, have the same awesome responsibility as Mary and Joseph were raise our children to glorify God!
When Taryn comes...and I am back to saying when instead of if...she will be loved no differently than our boys. She has been growing in our hearts for almost 4 years now. Through all of this heartache with our adoption...and it has been a literal "ache" in my heart...I have been made aware of the fact that she is so very much loved-already!
So, just like Joseph, and following God's example, we are perservering through this challange of adoption! Not that we thought otherwise, but it has been such an uphill battle! I am thankful for the example shown in both of these stories...and I am especially aware of it this time of year. The birth of Jesus! The adoption of Jesus by Joseph...the chance for our salvation through the adoption into Gods family...
Merry Christmas to all of you...and especially to all of the waiting families...may God bring our gifts home soon! 2 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I can't believe I am posting so close to the actual event...but, I am not going to argue with "non-procrastination" (is that a word?)! So, Halloween is over for '09, but it was fun as usual. As everyone probably already knows, it was the Princesses first Halloween. What else could she have been BUT a lady bug? Duh!
The boys were Ben 10 (we got a lot of "so what are you..." to that one!) and Joba Fett from Star Wars. Everyone had fun...but it was especially fun to see Taryn trick-or-treating for the first time!
I hope there will be some "treats" in the form of referrals for many this November! Can't wait to see pictures of all the new ones!
Enjoy the pics and hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm Back!
OMG! I can't believe I have let this go as long as I have! I am so not a great anyone out there? We have been SO I am sure everyone has been. And, when we aren't busy we have been sick at a time. Anyway, we are all fine and healthy now and enjoying the fall! Taryn is taking off! Walking, trying to run, she is doing so well! We are still getting Speech Tx with her. She isn't saying much, but I don't really know a lot of 16 mo that do! Our 6 month SW appointment came and went with no hitches. I don't know why I worry...something about a SW in my home that causes me to worry! :)
The boys are plugging away at school. They are both obsessively worried about how much Halloween Candy they will get Saturday! We are going to have a Ben10, a Storm Trooper and a little Lady Bug (of course!). I will try to get pics posted ASAP after Halloween. In the mean time, how are all the waiting parents out there doing? Gosh, I haven't checked RQ in a while. Every time I do I am instantly transformed back to our waiting days and realize how happy I am to have that behind us. I pray that for you all as have it quickly behind you and to have your precious China baby in your arms!
Until next time...Happy Fall Ya'll!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Catchin' Up!
This is Taryn and my niece (Guatemala) and my nephew...look at Taryn trying to smile and pose!
Okay, this is probably dangerous...however, she did it and I had to take a pic!
This was G's interpretation of a great 1st day of school pic!
Wesley was not as happy about the 1st day as Garrett was!
It has almost been a month since my last post. So I figured everyone needed to see pics of my beautiful children...right? Well, if not, sorry! That is what I have for you! School has started back so we are slowly but surely adjusting to the new schedule. Taryn seems "lost" without her "Bubbies". She is very happy when they come home in the afternoons! Of course, they play with her and I guess Mommy is boring. Taryn is doing wonderful! I couldn't have asked for a better transition with this little baby. I have read and heard so many stories regarding attachment D/O and other post-adoption issues. But, we have not experienced any of this and I thank God every day for that...and for her. She has been nothing but a a busy into everything joy...but a joy none the less! Hang in there you waiting parents...soon your joy will be here as well! Enjoy the pictures!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What I did with....

I have had several requests to see pics of what I did with the two outfits Taryn had in China. One of the outfits (obviously the dressier of the two) was her red couch outfit. And the other was the outfit she had on when given to us on Gotcha Day. I have to say that the latter one means so much more to me than the first. All three of the babies in our group from this particular orphanage had the same outfit on (over several other layers of clothes!) and I will always get all "mushy" feeling when I see it! So, I have brought them out into the open so to speak, and put them in Shadow Boxes. I attached them with hidden pearl pins, and I think they look pretty darn good if I do say so myself! Taryn's room holds the Red Couch dress because it matches her room perfectly. And, my "special" Gotcha Day outfit I put in my craft room where I scrapbook and exercises. I get to look at it every day! Hope you get some ideas to use for your special outfits...don't just keep them tucked away! Get them out to share!
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Tongue Update!
Hiking At Raven's Run With Daddy and Mommy...
Taryn's "Latest" Skill...Stair Climbing....Greeeeaaaaatttt!
I felt obligated to come back and give a quick update on Princess T and her "tongue" issue. It is healing rather nicely. There is still some gross scar tissue left...I will spare everyone a picture! But, it is as if it never happened! She IS more cautious when trying to walk and the coffee tables have been removed from the premises for now! But, she is doing better! Thank you to everyone for there kind words and for all of the Mommy's who "worried" with me! I am including "happier" pics this time!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Warning...Pictures Are Gross!
Yes, that "smarts" doesn't it! There is the added chicken as well...sorry folks!
Don't say I didn't warn you all! If you have a "soft" stomach this has probably totally freaked you out! BTW, that is a piece of chicken in her mouth in one of the pictures! So you also get the added "gross out" factor of chewed up food...SORRY!
Yes, it's true, we have had our first (and hopefully only!) ER visit. In an attempt to walk, Taryn fell and hit the coffee table and bit through her tongue! OUCH! Mouth injury's are ALWAYS extra bloody too...that was frightening to all of us involved. Apparently, it was a bad one because a lot of tongue injury's they just let heal on their own...of course, OUR tongue injury required 2 stitches! It was so hard to watch! It took 5 people to "hold" her down...can you imagine the way she must have felt? I am just praying this didn't hinder any "trust" issues she may or may not have right now! She already doesn't like medical personal (even with a Nurse for a Mommy!)... but now, she will most definitely have fear of them! And, in case you were wondering, NO we are not "freak" parent's because we took pictures...we did that because I was at work at the time and Steve wasn't sure if it warranted an ER visit, so he emailed me pics to make the final "judgement" call on it!
The good news is that today...she looks great! She ate breakfast without a fuss. She doesn't seem to be talking much though (or, I should say "babbling" much!)...which I am sure has something to do with pain... But, it only takes 12 hours or so for mouth wounds to heal (isn't that amazing!) so her tongue already looks halfway "normal" and the stitches are almost gone! It is like "Super-Healing"! :)
Otherwise, we are all fine! I have EVERY intention of posting more...but wanted to share this "drama" right away! I sure hope others don't go through this with their little ones!
And what about the LONG, DRAWN OUT, wait for some of you soon to be China parents! I just checked Rumor Queen and it still looks the same...hang in there! Soon you will be teaching your little ones to walk as well...hopefully with less drama and more results!
Take care...Peace...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy July 4th!
"I pledge allegiance...." Hehe! I KNOW you are thinkin' that people!
I hope everyone had a great July 4th! Ours was pretty much rained out...even the fireworks show! The boys were NOT happy to say the least! We even tried a cook-out with family and ended up "huddling" together under a covered porch! Oh well...there is always next year! Here are the few pictures I did manage to take of the kids. My mom bought Taryn's dress at Cracker makes you want to stand up and say the Pledge of Allegiance or something! LOL! Whatever, it was her first July 4th so she HAD to wear a cute, but "gaudy" July 4th dress...right?
An interesting bit of information for those interested...Steven Curtis Chapman is in China right now opening an Orphanage/Children's Home in honor of his late daughter can see it on his
It is very interesting and fun to watch!
Have a great week...Hang in there "waiters"! :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
"Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'..."
VERY Hot Brother and Sister...they don't look as if they are having much fun!
EVENTUALLY, she came to terms with the situation...
This was how she was most of the excursion....
Doesn't she look like she is thinking "WT?" are you all doing with me?
Getting ready to get onto the paddle boats at Jacobson Park...
Oh yeah, were crawling! Yipee!
Her "bubbys" had fun getting in to play...they really didn't fit though!
Father's blessed Daddy!
Who sang that song anyway? Was it in the 70's? Wow, I am getting old! And, yes, where has the time gone this summer? I have NOT kept up with my "once a week" goal of blogging. I guess I just feel like I really don't have much to blog about! Anyway, here I am, a month later ready and willing to blog...
I hope everyone had a GREAT Father's Day! It thrills me to think of all the "new" Daddy's out there that got to hold their China (or respective country!) child for the first time! was special I am sure. And, as usual, let's not forget the "Dad's in waiting"...they deserve props as well...because, if they aren't "losing it" during this wait, they are certainly keeping their wives from losing it during the wait! True?
We went to our adoption agency's annual "Reunion Picnic" this past weekend. OMG! I am so glad we did! I debated on whether or not to go, because our travel group is scattered out everywhere in the US but here in KY (there are two families here in KY..) so I was thinking "why...?" But, how cool was it to see hundreds of adoptive families and their ADORABLE children! It was amazing! Taryn appeared to be the youngest, which would make since seeing as the wait has climbed so much... which made her very "popular" to say the least. I was able to meet with one couple who are LID October 26, they have about 2 more years waiting (AGGGGHHHHH!). I was so happy they came because I could never do that during our was just too painful. Anyway, after a few uncertain minutes, Taryn let them hold her! I would have given my right arm to hold a China baby while I was waiting! They even teared up...I was so happy Taryn "consented" because I saw how much it meant to them...hang in there waiting people...hang in there!
One last thing...WE ARE CRAWLING! Finally, jeez, I was starting to wonder! So, all we have left to "Master" is walking...I so love to see her crawl though, I selfishly want it to last a little longer! :)
So, I am going to post a few of the pics from Fathers Day, The AHH Picnic and "Summer"...enjoy! Until next time...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The End AND The Beginning...
Garrett reading his book: "How to make a Build-a-Bear"
Garrett dedicated his book to his "baby sister Taryn".
So we have come to the close of yet another school year. It went by really fast! I am happy, for now, to have the boys home...check back in with me in a few weeks and see if I am still singin' the same tune! ;) Anyway, I (well Taryn and I) have been at the boys school every day this week doing different "end of the year" activities.
They had their annual awards ceremony yesterday and our G won "Best in Physical Education" and an "award" for doing all of his reading and then some extra. He is so proud of himself! However, our Wesley is green with jealousy. He didn't get any awards this year...him and about half of the kids...he is an A+ student and very well behaved (in school...not always at home!). Last year he received a few so it wasn't as big of a deal as it was today, when his kid brother got to bring home the goods! I actually think that every kid should get something...I mean, Wesley is not too upset...but, I saw a few kids crying because they didn't get anything and it made me think that surely they could come up with something positive to give those kids who didn't "stand out" in a particular area. But, that is why I am NOT a teacher, so that is all I am going to offer in way of an opinion on that subject!
Garrett had a last "author" reading today...dedicating his book to Taryn...VERY SWEET! He is our "star"...he LOVES to be the center of attention. So, getting the awards and the author reading are right up his alley...the more people staring at him the better as far as he is concerned!
Tomorrow is the last full day...field day. We will NOT be there tomorrow because the Princess has to get her 2nd round of shots! That ought to prove interesting to say the least!
So, Friday, is officially the last day. They only go half of a day and then...the two sweet angel's ;) are home with me for 2.5 months! Brace yourselves is gonna get hairy!
For my "adoption note"...I want to send a Congratulations out to my Internet friend Teresa and her family...THEY LEAVE TOMORROW FOR CHINA! I can't wait to follow her journey...their blog is under my lists of blogs (the first one for now!). So, all of you waiting Mommy's and Daddy's check it out and take notes cuz' your turn is a comin'! And, those of us that are on the flip side of it all can smile and feel nostalgic about our trip!
Until next time...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Birthday Party Pics!
Singing "Happy Birthday"...she danced! It was very cute!
She did a "so-so" job on her cake...she didn't seem that interested!
Garrett and Wesley "decorated" for the party...thus, the sign behind her!
Her brother's and cousin's had to help open the presents!