Thursday, September 3, 2009

Catchin' Up!

Our 3 blessings!

This is Taryn and my niece (Guatemala) and my nephew...look at Taryn trying to smile and pose!

Okay, this is probably dangerous...however, she did it and I had to take a pic!

This was G's interpretation of a great 1st day of school pic!

Wesley was not as happy about the 1st day as Garrett was!

It has almost been a month since my last post. So I figured everyone needed to see pics of my beautiful children...right? Well, if not, sorry! That is what I have for you! School has started back so we are slowly but surely adjusting to the new schedule. Taryn seems "lost" without her "Bubbies". She is very happy when they come home in the afternoons! Of course, they play with her and I guess Mommy is boring. Taryn is doing wonderful! I couldn't have asked for a better transition with this little baby. I have read and heard so many stories regarding attachment D/O and other post-adoption issues. But, we have not experienced any of this and I thank God every day for that...and for her. She has been nothing but a a busy into everything joy...but a joy none the less! Hang in there you waiting parents...soon your joy will be here as well! Enjoy the pictures!