Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Time Is Here!

It has been way too long since I have posted and pretty much feel like a non-blogger right now! But, here I am ready to redeem myself! Wow! Has this season not flown by! It seems like just last week was Thanksgiving and now we are embarking on Christmas! This is the FIRST year I have actually been "ready" for Christmas in time. Meaning, I have bought and wrapped ALL of the gifts already...no last minute shopping for me! Can you believe it? I sure can't...usually I am wrapping or doing something crazy like that Christmas Eve night! Anyway...yay me! :) The boys are beside themselves excited and Taryn is just along for the ride with it all! I don't think she really understands yet. It is so hard to know how much she actually does understand because of her speech delay. I would say she knows that "Christmas" is something special and that some of the presents under the tree are for her...but, that might be all she gets out of it.
She is STILL so delayed in her speech. She is talking on an 18 month old level (she is 2.5 yo!). We had her hearing checked again in the beginning of December and everything came back okay...again! So, it definitely is NOT her hearing! She is just not "getting" it when it comes to talking. She IS getting better though. She is saying 2 word phrases "I do...", "I can..." etc... So, that helps her get her point across most of the time. And she is right on age level appropriate in every other level of functioning...just not the speech! I will have to record when she starts talking and post it on the blog...because it will be a HUGE deal when it happens!
Well, I hope everyone has a blessed and Merry Christmas! Remember the reason for the season and that adoption is the center of the whole Christmas story. Maybe you and your family could help a child this year by giving them a forever family. Or maybe you are waiting to bring your child home and it feels like just another lonely Christmas without him/her...Take heart and know that YOUR CHILD IS OUT THERE! She is (or he!)...I promise and hopefully this will be your last Christmas without them. God bless....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Adoption Sunday...Coming Up!

We go to a really BIG church (10,000 members!) and there are a fair amount of adoptive families involved in our church. We all took pictures of our families, along with short summary's of what adoption meant to us for adoption Sunday. They were taken by a gentleman (photographer!) in our church who is compiling pics for an adoption book. He also has a great blog that I posted on my blog list. The blog highlights different adoption experiences from every angle...from the birth mother/father to the adopted child...check it out! Anyway, here are our pics...happy Fall Y'all (from Ky!)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Days of Color...

At first I couldn't believe there were pumpkins at the orchard already! We had gone to pick apples and there were pumpkins everywhere. Then, my husband pointed out that the first official day of fall is Wednesday (only 2 days away!)...so, since we were there picking apples I went ahead and took all of our "fall" pics as well! Why not? Of course, the kids were dressed for picking apples (i.e. dirty play clothes), but when an opportunity arises...we take it...right?

Can you believe it is Fall! The year has passed by so quickly...too quickly if you ask me! Our oldest is in 5th grade...his last year in elementary school! It breaks my heart to see him turning into a preteen...seriously! I love him so much and I really don't want the teenage "drama" to begin with him! I know it changes them completely. Morphing them into overgrown 2 year olds almost overnight. I am not ready for that! Not that any parent ever is! And then, to have a 2 year old on top of a preteen...wow! That is enough to make you feel like an "old" mother! :)

We are all doing great though! The boys are well into the school year by now. Taryn and I are still getting used to each other. It is hard to be her soul source of entertainment during the day! I have her on a waiting list for a mother's morning out program...but, she has been on the list now for 2 months with no calls regarding openings! So, until then, we are together ALL OF THE TIME! Can you tell I am getting a tad "burnt out" with parenting! I need a good break...maybe a vaca with the hubby by ourselves...HA! A girl can dream...right?

We have some friends whose LID is the NEXT TO BE CALLED! Yeah! I love it! I love seeing a long wait come to an end...don't you? Adoption has been such a blessing for us...I would do it again in a heartbeat if the wait wasn't 7 years now and the cost wasn't through the roof! But, to those of you still in the process I have to say-it is SO WORTH IT! Hang in there people!

Until next time...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Better Late Then Never!

It took a while, but we finally got Taryn's 2 yo pictures taken! She is only almost 2 1/2! Look how cute our little Princess is! I will be back to blog later! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day of School!

Our 5th Grader...Obviously, NOT too happy about the 1st day!

The "big" 3rd Grader...a little more smile than his brother! ;)

Princess T getting in on the action!

The "throne" sits empty for now!

I can't believe it, but summer is gone! Over! That is so hard to grasp even as I was driving my kids to school today! Now, the house seems too quiet and poor Taryn is watching TV...alone! :( Wesley, as you can tell by the picture, was NOT impressed with going back to school. Garrett was at least "bribe able" to take a good picture (I don't know if that is a word...made it up!). Taryn had to get in on the action. Poor thing doesn't understand why she has lost her two best friends! And, to top it off, they wouldn't let me walk them in this year! Yeah, that's right, I was "booted" out of the first day of school! They are in 5th and 3rd grade and apparently to "old" for there Mom to walk them in! That makes me sad!

Anyway, for those of you that have been waiting with baited breath on me to report potty training news...I haven't done that, BECAUSE THERE IS NO NEWS! That's right, our potty training, as brief as it was, didn't quiet work out! I tried...for two days...and she, all of a sudden, acted like she wasn't going to have anything to do with it! Yeah, she peed on the carpet one too many times for my liking as well! So, even though she wants to change her own diaper (seriously?) she isn't acting like she wants to use the big girl potty at all! So, as soon as there is news I will report it...I promise!

To those of you waiting for your little one to still arrive and you are "chomping" at the bit to hold her/him...I haven't forgotten you! The wait is excruciating...I remember! I pray your little ones will be in your arms soon! It will happen sooner than you know!

Until next time...R.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Not all "happy, happy" this time!

Right off, this is NOT a happy post! This is an "I need a place to vent" post! My coping place...if you don't like it...really sorry, but just skip this one then! I just have to ask...what is up with sibling fights? Does anyone else have to deal with this? My boys fight ALL OF THE TIME...Seriously, ALL OF THE TIME! I don't know what to do about it. It makes me feel like a horrible mother. I can't get them to stop and the more I try the harder they seem to fight! Today has been the worst yet! They are getting sick of each other this summer and it is escalating into fights every other hour. I don't remember fighting like this with my sister at all...I mean, don't get me wrong, I remember fighting with her... just not all of the time. So, what do I do? Do I butt in? Do I stay out? Do I take them to counseling? Seriously, I can't hardly stand it anymore! They are constantly saying they "hate" each other...which breaks my heart! Brothers aren't supposed to "hate" each other...are they?
Okay, see, now I feel a little better! Just getting that off of my chest! See, it isn't "happy happy" ALL of the time around here! Just in case you were thinking that! :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Gotta love that Dolly!

The brothers were very sweet about riding the "baby" rides with Taryn!

Wesley is "making fun" of the baby ride and it's "mad speed"! :)

Wesley at Nascar Speedway!

Taryn on the Merry-go-round...she didn't "love" it but she didn't hate it either!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! It is going by WAY to quickly if you ask me! I mean, school will be starting back in several weeks! That is crazy! We just got back from our vaca to Gatlinburg TN. It was SO nice to get away and to spend time together as a family. It was the first vaca Taryn has been on with us since bringing her home. She did fabulous! She slept in that uncomfortable port-a-crib every night w/o complaints...maybe because she was worn out from the days activities! I took all kinds of pics and not a one of the beautiful cabin we stayed in...go figure. I just kept thinking I would get around to it and never did...I have been having those "senior" moments a lot lately! :)
Enjoy the pics of us at Dollywood and enjoy the rest of your summer! God bless...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

AHH Picnic

Our families...We traveled with this couple to China!

Taryn is fearless!

Taryn and Emmali eating lunch...

How sweet are they! Holding hands! :

Fun in the sand!

Playing on the swing and getting used to each other!

Every year our adoption agency hosts a picnic for all of the families that have adopted through them. This year it was held at a local orchard that also has an area set up for the kids to play. We met with one of the six families we traveled with. It was really great to catch up with them and to see the progress their daughter was making. Steve and the boys were unable to come r/t a long planned camping trip...so, it was just Taryn and I having all of the fun! Taryn and Emmali were very cute together. It was such a joy to see hundreds of children playing and laughing...all given a family through adoption. Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

To train or not to train...this is the question!


Taryn and her friend Sylvia!

Don't worry...all parents were right there...just not in the picture!

We have a picture similar to this of them in the orphanage together! Too cute!

Taryn and her new cousin Lola!


So far our summer is off to a good start. We have had picnics and play dates...with still more to come! But, that isn't what I am going to write about today! No, let's talk potty training.
Now, I know the pictures are all "fun and games"...play dates etc...but, let me tell you-Taryn is going to potty train herself if I keep putting it off! My intention (and it is still this!) is to wait until after vaca the first of July. I am off from work alot in July and just think it will be the best time. In the mean time, my poor daughter is SCREAMING to be potty trained! She is bringing me a diaper and saying "poo poo" (doesn't usually say but like 5 words and she is saying "poo poo"!). She is even trying to put on her own diaper! I know, I know, I should get it over with! But our vaca is only in 2 weeks and to be potty training during this time would be so hard. I am sure millions of stronger Mommy's than me would totally disagree and call me selfish. But, hey, I never claimed to be the best Mommy in the world...good, but not perfect! So, hopefully after I update on our vaca I will have a positive potty training post for everyone. In the mean time, Taryn might just get 'er done herself!
On a different note, we have some work friends who are traveling to China to get their beautiful baby girl this month. We are so excited for them and always happy to see another baby find a forever family! I pray that you too will get to experience this joy very soon...hang in there please...she is waiting out there for you!
Until next time...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Wedding!

It was a huge production just getting all three of them ready...but in the end it was well worth it! Just to see my little ones dressed up together for once was so great! Here are a few pics from our nieces wedding this weekend!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Princess Taryn turns 2!

Out on the town in her new Cozy Coup!

Princess Shoes!

"Mom, seriously, stop with the pictures!"

Yummy Cake!

Saying "hi" to her people!

Blowing out her candles like a professional!

Her Dora Cake! Yes, I made it...don't judge! :)


Princess Taryn!

Taryn turned two yesterday! It doesn't seem like she should be two yet. Especially with the delay in speech, which makes her seem younger. But, indeed, she is two! We didn't have a huge party...I have been "burned out" on those for years (since the boys were at least 4!). Typically, with the boys, I let them pick a place and then pay that particular place to have the party for me! :) Don't judge! But, since Taryn is so little I am forced to still have them at the house! So, we just invited family over for cake and ice cream. She had a Dora cake and her Papaw got her a Dora dress to wear. Even with just the cousins here it seemed chaotic! She got so many great presents. She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to dress up, and she received lots of dress up clothes. Her favorite gift was her new Princess Cozy Coup. Steve and I got it for her...she loves it! We couldn't hardly get her out of it once we brought it out for her! She definitely seemed like a birthday professional...she even blew out her candles right off without being shown what to do! It was so fun to see her having such a great time! We love her SO much...words can't even begin to describe how happy we are to have her as a daughter. Happy Birthday Taryn Joy!