It has been way too long since I have posted and pretty much feel like a non-blogger right now! But, here I am ready to redeem myself! Wow! Has this season not flown by! It seems like just last week was Thanksgiving and now we are embarking on Christmas! This is the FIRST year I have actually been "ready" for Christmas in time. Meaning, I have bought and wrapped ALL of the gifts last minute shopping for me! Can you believe it? I sure can't...usually I am wrapping or doing something crazy like that Christmas Eve night! Anyway...yay me! :) The boys are beside themselves excited and Taryn is just along for the ride with it all! I don't think she really understands yet. It is so hard to know how much she actually does understand because of her speech delay. I would say she knows that "Christmas" is something special and that some of the presents under the tree are for her...but, that might be all she gets out of it.
She is STILL so delayed in her speech. She is talking on an 18 month old level (she is 2.5 yo!). We had her hearing checked again in the beginning of December and everything came back okay...again! So, it definitely is NOT her hearing! She is just not "getting" it when it comes to talking. She IS getting better though. She is saying 2 word phrases "I do...", "I can..." etc... So, that helps her get her point across most of the time. And she is right on age level appropriate in every other level of functioning...just not the speech! I will have to record when she starts talking and post it on the blog...because it will be a HUGE deal when it happens!
Well, I hope everyone has a blessed and Merry Christmas! Remember the reason for the season and that adoption is the center of the whole Christmas story. Maybe you and your family could help a child this year by giving them a forever family. Or maybe you are waiting to bring your child home and it feels like just another lonely Christmas without him/her...Take heart and know that YOUR CHILD IS OUT THERE! She is (or he!)...I promise and hopefully this will be your last Christmas without them. God bless....