Let's discuss my shoddy blogging! I mean, seriously, sometimes I wonder about this blog...I enjoy writing about myself...lol! But, does anyone really enjoy reading it? So many times I talk myself out of updating the blog because I don't know if I really have anything important to say! On that note, how is everyone in blogger land doing? We are plugging away at life here. Taryn is doing so well. She is starting to act just like a 2 year old should act...minus saying any words! She is throwing some serious fits and does manage to say "no" quiet often...which is very "2 year oldish" if you ask me.
And since we are on the subject of her talking...I don't know whether to be worried or not! She is still getting speech therapy but says only like 7 words! She babbles a lot but that is it. She understands EVERYTHING we say to her and we understand EVERYTHING she wants. This is accomplished by her pointing and grunting or making a yes or no head movement....not by using words! Mostly I think she will talk eventually, lots of kids don't talk until later. Then there is the other part of me that is thinking...should I be worried? Other than the language issues we don't have very many other issues...well the attitude thing! :)
The boys are the same...sweet 1/2 of the time and sassy the rest of the time. They only get along like 50% of the time...I am the referee when it comes to them. Holler if you hear me on this one!
So, on a different note entirely, I just saw on Rumor Queen (yes, I am still interested in what people are up to in the waiting world!) that they are just now processing April 2006 LID's...that is CRAZY! Ours was March 3 2006...we have had Taryn a year now and they are only into April! AGHHHH...I really feel for those of you waiting to bring your little ones home. That is SO HARD- I know! If you can trust me at all, I can tell you with much assurance that IT WILL HAPPEN! Patience is so hard but so worth it in the end...and there WILL be an end-I promise!
Until next time...