It was a huge production just getting all three of them ready...but in the end it was well worth it! Just to see my little ones dressed up together for once was so great! Here are a few pics from our nieces wedding this weekend!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Wedding!
It was a huge production just getting all three of them ready...but in the end it was well worth it! Just to see my little ones dressed up together for once was so great! Here are a few pics from our nieces wedding this weekend!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Princess Taryn turns 2!
"Mom, seriously, stop with the pictures!"
Blowing out her candles like a professional!
Her Dora Cake! Yes, I made it...don't judge! :)
Taryn turned two yesterday! It doesn't seem like she should be two yet. Especially with the delay in speech, which makes her seem younger. But, indeed, she is two! We didn't have a huge party...I have been "burned out" on those for years (since the boys were at least 4!). Typically, with the boys, I let them pick a place and then pay that particular place to have the party for me! :) Don't judge! But, since Taryn is so little I am forced to still have them at the house! So, we just invited family over for cake and ice cream. She had a Dora cake and her Papaw got her a Dora dress to wear. Even with just the cousins here it seemed chaotic! She got so many great presents. She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to dress up, and she received lots of dress up clothes. Her favorite gift was her new Princess Cozy Coup. Steve and I got it for her...she loves it! We couldn't hardly get her out of it once we brought it out for her! She definitely seemed like a birthday professional...she even blew out her candles right off without being shown what to do! It was so fun to see her having such a great time! We love her SO much...words can't even begin to describe how happy we are to have her as a daughter. Happy Birthday Taryn Joy!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Bad Hair Day...
Steve and the boys were going to get their hair cut at a local "cheaper" hair cutting place (won't name the chain...even though I REALLY want too!). I was too lazy to go so I sent a note with Steve to get Taryn's hair cut. I know, I know, but I really thought a note would be the same thing as me standing there saying do this and that. Apparently there are different ideas of "bobs". Taryn's hair was down to her shoulders before the hair cut and is now up to her ears! I was REALLY disappointed at first but am now getting used to it. I am even starting to think it is cute...short, but cute! Moral of the story: Don't send a note, go in person AND spend a little bit more and go to a hair salon or something! :)