Taryn and her friend Sylvia!
Don't worry...all parents were right there...just not in the picture!
We have a picture similar to this of them in the orphanage together! Too cute!
Taryn and her new cousin Lola!
So far our summer is off to a good start. We have had picnics and play dates...with still more to come! But, that isn't what I am going to write about today! No, let's talk potty training.
Now, I know the pictures are all "fun and games"...play dates etc...but, let me tell you-Taryn is going to potty train herself if I keep putting it off! My intention (and it is still this!) is to wait until after vaca the first of July. I am off from work alot in July and just think it will be the best time. In the mean time, my poor daughter is SCREAMING to be potty trained! She is bringing me a diaper and saying "poo poo" (doesn't usually say but like 5 words and she is saying "poo poo"!). She is even trying to put on her own diaper! I know, I know, I should get it over with! But our vaca is only in 2 weeks and to be potty training during this time would be so hard. I am sure millions of stronger Mommy's than me would totally disagree and call me selfish. But, hey, I never claimed to be the best Mommy in the world...good, but not perfect! So, hopefully after I update on our vaca I will have a positive potty training post for everyone. In the mean time, Taryn might just get 'er done herself!
On a different note, we have some work friends who are traveling to China to get their beautiful baby girl this month. We are so excited for them and always happy to see another baby find a forever family! I pray that you too will get to experience this joy very soon...hang in there please...she is waiting out there for you!
Until next time...