The "big" 3rd Grader...a little more smile than his brother! ;)
Princess T getting in on the action!
The "throne" sits empty for now!
I can't believe it, but summer is gone! Over! That is so hard to grasp even as I was driving my kids to school today! Now, the house seems too quiet and poor Taryn is watching TV...alone! :( Wesley, as you can tell by the picture, was NOT impressed with going back to school. Garrett was at least "bribe able" to take a good picture (I don't know if that is a word...made it up!). Taryn had to get in on the action. Poor thing doesn't understand why she has lost her two best friends! And, to top it off, they wouldn't let me walk them in this year! Yeah, that's right, I was "booted" out of the first day of school! They are in 5th and 3rd grade and apparently to "old" for there Mom to walk them in! That makes me sad!
Anyway, for those of you that have been waiting with baited breath on me to report potty training news...I haven't done that, BECAUSE THERE IS NO NEWS! That's right, our potty training, as brief as it was, didn't quiet work out! I tried...for two days...and she, all of a sudden, acted like she wasn't going to have anything to do with it! Yeah, she peed on the carpet one too many times for my liking as well! So, even though she wants to change her own diaper (seriously?) she isn't acting like she wants to use the big girl potty at all! So, as soon as there is news I will report it...I promise!
To those of you waiting for your little one to still arrive and you are "chomping" at the bit to hold her/him...I haven't forgotten you! The wait is excruciating...I remember! I pray your little ones will be in your arms soon! It will happen sooner than you know!
Until next time...R.