At first I couldn't believe there were pumpkins at the orchard already! We had gone to pick apples and there were pumpkins everywhere. Then, my husband pointed out that the first official day of fall is Wednesday (only 2 days away!), since we were there picking apples I went ahead and took all of our "fall" pics as well! Why not? Of course, the kids were dressed for picking apples (i.e. dirty play clothes), but when an opportunity arises...we take it...right?
Can you believe it is Fall! The year has passed by so quickly...too quickly if you ask me! Our oldest is in 5th grade...his last year in elementary school! It breaks my heart to see him turning into a preteen...seriously! I love him so much and I really don't want the teenage "drama" to begin with him! I know it changes them completely. Morphing them into overgrown 2 year olds almost overnight. I am not ready for that! Not that any parent ever is! And then, to have a 2 year old on top of a! That is enough to make you feel like an "old" mother! :)
We are all doing great though! The boys are well into the school year by now. Taryn and I are still getting used to each other. It is hard to be her soul source of entertainment during the day! I have her on a waiting list for a mother's morning out program...but, she has been on the list now for 2 months with no calls regarding openings! So, until then, we are together ALL OF THE TIME! Can you tell I am getting a tad "burnt out" with parenting! I need a good break...maybe a vaca with the hubby by ourselves...HA! A girl can dream...right?
We have some friends whose LID is the NEXT TO BE CALLED! Yeah! I love it! I love seeing a long wait come to an end...don't you? Adoption has been such a blessing for us...I would do it again in a heartbeat if the wait wasn't 7 years now and the cost wasn't through the roof! But, to those of you still in the process I have to say-it is SO WORTH IT! Hang in there people!
Until next time...