One of my friends feeding her cake! Busted!
Taryn "socializing" with the guests...
Yes, she is holding celery...but, she can't "eat" it!
Wesley and Steve "helping" me open presents!
A lot has happened since the last post a week ago! I really could do two separate posts, but will combine it all into one...lucky you! We had our second out of three showers last Sunday. Most of my friends wanted Taryn to be there...which worried me a tad, only because I didn't know how she would respond to ton's of people! She did FABULOUS! As long as I can assure her I am right there she does okay. She doesn't "go" to people (just me, Steve, and the boys :) which I really LOVE!), but she does let people hold her. When she tries to come right back to me, I just move in closer and touch her and assure her I am right there and won't leave. So far, that has worked perfectly...hopefully, it will only get better from here! She looked adorable in her "red couch" dress (slightly biased opinion!). It was a great shower and I am, once again, so thankful to have so many wonderful people in my life! I truly believe that friends are a gift from God...and it is VERY hard to make I want to keep all of my wonderful friends around as long as they will have me!!! Anyway, off the shower and on to the first Dr.'s visit! about a long, drawn out appointment! We actually have an "adoption clinic" here in Lexington that is run by a Pediatrician specializing in post adoptions! This is such a blessing, that not very many people have... So, our first appointment consisted of an OT appointment to see where Taryn falls as far as development. Then, of course, the physical assessment by the Dr. which consists of about 100 questions and looking her over. Then, my favorite part, (I say that as I am rolling my eyes!) the blood tests. prepared waiting parents! We are talking massive amounts of blood being drawn from a baby! I have been a Pediatric RN for 14 years and have NEVER seen this much blood being taken out of a baby! Apparently, this is "normal", or so I have been told! I also have a few friends who have had the same experience...THANK GOD THAT IS OVER! I also FORGOT MY CAMERA...not that I would have taken bloody pics or just would have been nice to document her first visit! She ended up having a DOUBLE EAR INFECTIONS (nice Pediatric Nurse Mommy-huh!). I never would have known! She had NO FEVER. I guess the only signs would have been her fussiness at night and the inability to settle down...Anyhoo, we are on 10 days of Antibiotics. We also will be using "First Steps" OT program used for developmentally "delayed" children. The Dr. said she was delayed by about 3 months...which,we knew. We also know she will catch up very easily! I think she has made incredible strides in her Development (aside from the above information!). She adores the boys, and visa-versa. She reaches for all of us. She is rolling all over the place and loves to stand...I do believe she may skip crawling all together, the way she loves to stand and "pretend" walk while we are holding her. She is feeding herself "bites" now (we have 2 teeth!), all in all, I am very pleased with her progress! The boys are bringing her in to school (well, I am bringing her in and they are going to take the credit for it!) for "Show and Tell" Friday. They both want to talk about "China" and their new is very cute...I have just one word to describe my thoughts on it...PURELL! Do you think they make a "Purell Spray" for instances like these? Until next time...
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