OMG! I can' believe how long it has been since my last post! Not that anyone is waiting with baited breath for me to post...but, seriously, time just slips away before you realize that the things you love to do have gone by the wayside!
So, much has been going on lately! Taryn is now enrolled in first steps...of course, the minute they make the first appointment over the phone she starts "army" crawling all over the house...and pulling herself up on the coffee table AND the couch! That is ALWAYS how it works right? Your child could be running a temp of 103.0, coughing up a lung, and lethargic...but, take them to the Doctor and they are all smiles and giggles! At least, that has been my experience with the boys! So, hopefully, by the time First Steps comes in she will be running and (this is what I want the most...) saying "mama"!
I took the kids to get there professional pictures taken. It had been about 3 or 4 years since I had taken the boys...I just got to where I started doing it myself! I was really pleased with them! It took Taryn until the end of the session to "warm" up to it all...but, they are still cute!
We also took her to the Cardiologist...I don't know if I mentioned it before...but, she has a heart murmur. And, as a Peds Nurse...you KNOW I had to check that out! He said it was "fine" and a "normal" heart murmur...didn't know heart murmurs could be normal...but, whatever! I was just glad to hear it...and we don't have to see him any longer! Yeah!
Another "biggie", I went back to work yesterday! I am fortunate enough to work part-time and the hours I do work, Steve is home with the kids. So, it really isn't that bad! I think I had like 10 calls from co-workers and friends "checking" on my emotional state yesterday! I WAS FINE! It really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be! I think, just maybe, I am the one with "separation anxiety" NOT my daughter! Hmmmmm.....
So, I know all of this is extremely boring...but, I had to get everyone "caught up" on what is going on in our household! We are not that "interesting" anyway...but, for some reason, I must think we are to want to "blog" about it!
I pray everyone is "hanging" in there while waiting for their little ones to come home from China! My heart has not stopped "hurting" and sympathizing in the very least with you! In fact, it has grown into such a "passion" of mine to encourage those waiting to bring their babies home! So much so, that I have felt compelled to always end with a note of encouragement to those of you who have been "called" to carry a child in your heart. All while waiting for what seems like an eternity to bring them home! Peace...