Okay...She got into my eye-liner...oops!
Baby Beethoven!
Today was just a beautiful day! It was COLD in the middle of May...but sunny, so we were able to work outside. I am so pleased to say that Taryn is coming along beautifully. Every day is a new surprise with her. She seems to be adjusting so well, and most all of her "past" seems to be forgotten (hopefully...how does one really know with an 11mo!). The other day when I went in to pick her up out of her crib after her nap...she squealed and clapped! That went straight to my heart! It was like she KNEW I was her Mommy and better yet, she LOVED me! I know that sounds silly...but, so many things about this transition have been a mystery! Especially her feelings and thoughts on the whole process! We are constantly wondering about what she remembers, is she bonding correctly, does she feel like a part of the family, etc... When you bring a newborn home from the hospital you have time to grow into all of these questions...and they are really not even "questions" by this point! But, with an adoption, there is just an element of wonder... I guess only another adoptive parent would be able to understand that and not think I am "crazy"!
I do have to say that she does seem very happy with us! She adores her brothers (and they her!) and she lights up when her Dada comes home from work...and, well, I already told how she squeals for me! Right now I couldn't be happier with our little family!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. I pray for all of the Mother's that are carrying babies in their hearts right now... I pray you feel blessed and at peace knowing that the baby God has planned for you is out there waiting!
Enjoy the pictures!
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